Towards a better future
Follow the Sun. Resetting our compass to face to the East
Dante recognised that there are those who’s example will provide for them a better after life. I don’t think we should look that far to the future. We should adopt a set of values which create a better life here, and now. We should aim to live in Paradisio.
My Paradisio companion series points to a set of values which; if adopted could assist in a better life here, now.
I have been inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy and William Blakes illustrations. I have paired this with my growing understanding of Meso-American beliefs, Art and Architecture developed through my journeys in South America. We have forgotten so much wisdom and understanding from around the globe. We do we seem to ignore what was learnt in the past? Combined learnings could direct us towards a better future
Circles of Heaven and Hell
Why leave Heaven till later?
Recognising that there are better paths to follow to provide a better life here, now.
How we got here
My interests have always been in recognising where we are, our place within our environment. What will we leave behind?
Hell is here
Dante recognised that we are surrounded by behaviour which will lead to a hellish residency.